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Functional Cooking Recipes for Cooking in the Classroom | Recipes for Kids

Functional Cooking Recipes for Cooking in the Classroom | Recipes for Kids

Regular price $40.00
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Cooking in the classroom is a fun, simple, engaging way to build life skills in any classroom. Use this bundle of functional recipes to cook with your students in the classroom, foster those super important life skills, and work on those IEP goals and objectives... all at the same time!

Lesson plans that integrate cooking into the classroom helps:

  • foster fine motor skills
  • develop social skills
  • increase wait time / patience
  • practice math skills (adding, doubling, time, measurement)
  • practice reading skills
  • discover science (reactions when you mix ingredients, STEM)
  • following directions
  • sequence multi-step tasks
  • encourage language development and communication
  • support life skills in the kitchen and kitchen safety
  • develop independence

…and so much more!


To learn more about cooking in the classroom, you will enjoy this article.

To see the only 11 kitchen supplies you need to start cooking in the classroom, you will enjoy this article.

What functional recipes are included in this bundle?

  1. Pizza
  2. Baked Potato
  3. Cake
  4. Cold Cut Sandwich
  5. PB and J
  6. Quesadilla
  7. Salad
  8. Smoothie
  9. Sundae
  10. Omelet
  11. Applesauce
  12. Bacon
  13. Brownies
  14. Buffalo Chicken Dip
  15. Hamburger
  16. Buttered Noodles
  17. Celery and PB
  18. Chicken Alfredo
  19. Chicken Nuggets
  20. Chicken Salad
  21. Coffee
  22. Cookies
  23. French Toast
  24. Fruit Salad
  25. Grilled Cheese
  26. Hot Dog
  27. Instant Pudding
  28. Italian Chicken
  29. JELL-O
  30. Mac and Cheese
  31. Mashed Potatoes
  32. Meatballs
  33. Oatmeal
  34. Popcorn
  35. Rice Krispie Treats
  36. Scrambled Eggs
  37. Soup
  38. Tacos
  39. Tea
  40. Toast
  41. Rice in a Bag
  42. Cinnamon Toast
  43. Stir Fry
  44. Trail Mix
  45. Waffles
  46. Spaghetti


What is included with each recipe?

  • Level 1 - 3 versions of cut/paste for the recipe’s ingredients and supplies, and 4 versions of cut/paste for the recipe task analysis (step by step), including numbered and not numbered steps in and out of order.
  • Level 2 - 4 versions of cut/paste for the recipe task analysis (with steps combined as one would see in a recipe book), including numbered and not numbered steps in and out of order.



  1. These recipes do not include pictures or visuals for each step.. They are not visual recipes. Please download the preview before purchasing to see exactly what each recipe includes. For visual recipes, go here.
  2. Yes, you will need access to an oven or a stovetop/griddle for most of these recipes.


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