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First Grade Language Standards-Aligned Digital Activity Bundle

First Grade Language Standards-Aligned Digital Activity Bundle

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FIRST GRADE LANGUAGE STANDARDS-ALIGNED DIGITAL ACTIVITIES | Functional, differentiated, and now PAPERLESS skill work that is the perfect addition to your early learning rotations and centers. This digital set of workpages will help your students practice basic skills, and once mastered, can be a set of skills they complete successfully and independently.

What is included?
• 50 (fifty) total digital activities (please read list below to see skills practiced)
• 607 (six hundred seven) total digital workpages (please read list below to see skills practiced)
• instructions for opening and editing the document (*must have access to Google Slides™)
• direct link to copy and save the files to your Google Drive™

What skills are practiced?
  • L.1.1.A - 4 activities - 104 total pages
  • Lowercase - level 1 - 26 pages: trace letter along with video, move checkmark into box after tracing.
  • Lowercase - level 2 - 26 pages: listen to audio clip of letter, write it on a piece of paper, move box to check work.
  • Uppercase- level 1 - 26 pages: trace letter along with video, move checkmark into box after tracing.
  • Uppercase- level 2 - 26 pages: listen to audio clip of letter, write it on a piece of paper, move box to check work.
  • L.1.1.B - 2 activities - 22 total pages
  • Level 1 - 12 pages: read word, point to type of noun the word is (common, proper, possessive).
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: sort nouns based on type (common, proper, possessive).
  • L.1.1.C - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: read sentence, circle if the sentence makes sense or not.
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: type noun to make sentence complete.
  • L.1.1.D - 2 activities - 24 total pages
  • Level 1 - 12 pages: move correct pronoun into sentence to make it complete.
  • Level 2 - 12 pages: type correct pronoun into sentence to make it complete.
  • L.1.1.E - 2 activities - 24 total pages
  • Level 1 - 12 pages: move correct verb into sentence to make it complete.
  • Level 2 - 12 pages: type correct verb into sentence to make it complete.
  • L.1.1.F - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: circle word that describes picture.
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: type word that describes picture.
  • L.1.1.G - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: move correct conjunction into sentence to make it complete.
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: type correct conjunction into sentence to make it complete.
  • L.1.1.H - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: read sentence, circle if it makes sense or not.
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: read sentence, retype bolded word to make sentence correct.
  • L.1.1.I - 2 activities - 30 total pages
  • Level 1 - 15 pages: identify if the highlighted preposition makes sense in the sentence.
  • Level 2 - 15 pages: choose the preposition that makes sense in the sentence.
  • L.1.1.J - 2 activities - 16 total pages
  • Level 1 - 8 pages: read sentence, identify what type of sentence it is (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory).
  • Level 2 - 8 pages: use words to type a specific type of sentence (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory). 
  • L.1.2.A - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: read sentence, point to the words that need capitalization.
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: read sentence, retype sentence using correct capitalization.
  • L.1.2.B - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: read sentence, identify if punctuation is correct or incorrect.
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: read sentence, move correct punctuation mark to make sentence complete.
  • L.1.2.C - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: identify sentence that uses commas correctly (2 options).
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: read sentence, retype using commas to make sentence complete and correct.
  • L.1.2.D - 4 activities - 72 total pages
  • Irregular  words level 1 - 20 pages: listen to word, move letters to spell word (word is written out for support).
  • Irregular words level 2 - 20 pages: listen to word, move letters to spell word (no spelling support).
  • Spelling patterns level 1 - 16 pages: identify correct spelling of word that matches picture (2 choices).
  • Spelling patterns level 2 - 16 pages: type word that matches picture.
  • L.1.2.E - 2 activities - 22 total pages
  • Level 1 - 11 pages: move letters to sound out and spell word shown in picture.
  • Level 2 - 11 pages: type letters to sound out and spell word shown in picture.
  • L.1.4.A - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: read sentence, use context clues to find meaning of highlighted word, point to meaning of word (2 choices).
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: read sentence, use context clues to find meaning of highlighted word, type meaning of word.
  • L.1.4.B - 2 activities - 13 total pages
  • Level 1 - 12 pages: move correct affix (prefix or suffix) to match picture.
  • Level 2 - 1 page: complete puzzle by moving pieces with words using affixes to correct picture.
  • L.1.4.C - 2 activities - 16 total pages
  • Level 1 - 8 pages: move word and ending into puzzle pieces to match word.
  • Level 2 - 8 pages: move correct words with inflectional endings into sentences (3 sentences, 3 words).
  • L.1.5.A - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: sort pictures into correct categories. 
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: sort words into correct categories.
  • L.1.5.B - 2 activities - 22 total pages
  • Level 1 - 11 pages: move words into sentence to make it complete with details.
  • Level 2 - 11 pages: type words into sentence to make it complete with details.
  • L.1.5.C - 2 activities - 24 total pages
  • Level 1 - 12 pages: identify words that are connected and not connected to main word (4 options).
  • Level 2 - 12 pages: type three things connected to main word.
  • L.1.5.D - 2 activities - 18 total pages
  • Level 1 - 9 pages: move words to match pictures with similar meanings (3 pictures, 3 words).
  • Level 2 - 9 pages: move words into paint strip to distinguish shades of meaning based on intensity (4 words).
  • L.1.6.A - 2 activities - 20 total pages
  • Level 1 - 10 pages: use prompt and sentence starter to have a conversation (includes vocabulary words for support).
  • Level 2 - 10 pages: use prompt sentence starter to have a conversation.

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