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EDITABLE Name Spelling Cut and Paste Activity
EDITABLE Name Spelling Cut and Paste Activity
EDITABLE Name Spelling Cut and Paste Activity
EDITABLE Name Spelling Cut and Paste Activity

EDITABLE Name Spelling Cut and Paste Activity

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A name is an identity, and it’s important for children to learn and know how to spell their name. Writing a name helps a student practice spatial awareness between letters and words, correct letter formation, as well as sequencing.

This name spelling cut and paste activity practices all of those skills, while practicing name recognition and spelling, and toning a child's fine motor abilities (with cutting and pasting).

What is included?
• Editable First OR Last name practice page
• Editable First and Last name practice page
• How to edit slide (super simple!)

If you'd like for a student to write his or her name in addition to the cut/paste activity, simply copy writing paper onto the back of the sheet.


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