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Addition and Subtraction Math Task Cards | Math Center

Addition and Subtraction Math Task Cards | Math Center

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ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION MATH WHEEL TASK CARDS | Practice basic addition and subtraction facts with these math wheel task cards.

What is included?
• 52 (fifty-two) total task cards: 26 color, 26 b&w (please read list below to see skills practiced)
• 2 exit sheets (1 addition, 2 tickets; 1 subtraction, 2 tickets) 

What skills are practiced?
  1. Form and solve addition sentences  - 26 task cards: 13 color, 13 b&w - 1 activity: add number in outer circle to number in middle circle, write answer in outermost circle.Form and solve addition sentences  - 26 task cards: 13 color, 13 b&w - 1 activity: add number in outer circle to number in middle circle, write answer in outermost circle. Write three addition sentences from addition wheels on exit ticket.
  2. Form and solve subtraction sentences  - 26 task cards: 13 color, 13 b&w - 1 activity: subtract number in middle circle from number in outer circle, write answer in outermost circle. Write three subtraction sentences from subtraction wheels on exit ticket.

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