Many of our students attend inclusion for a vast variety of services. Social skills, academic, specials... it's truly endless. But how do we, the special education teacher, make sure that our students who attending inclusion [without us] are getting their full service time and receiving their accommodations? And also, what about all that data we’re missing out on?
Are the accommodations working? Is this setting appropriate for the child? Is the child being pulled from this class 2x a week for something else and missing instruction?
Not anymore. Inclusion documentation does not, I repeat, DOES NOT need to be time consuming or a PITA - for you, your paras, or the regular Ed teacher. Use these data forms to keep track of everything inclusion related for your students. Easy to fill out for you, your paras, or by the general education teacher.
What is included?
• 10 editable boy covers
• 10 editable girl covers
• 38 Color Coded "Confidential Information" Covers (19 colors)
• 2 different documentation forms (print front/back)
- one says "Inclusion Service Documentation" and the other says "Service Documentation"
How do I use these forms?
Each of my students that attend inclusion has a clipboard. Yep, you guessed it - they are color coded too! And when I or a para takes a student to inclusion, the clipboard goes too. If the child attends inclusion without support staff, the general Ed teacher gets the clipboard. I leave copies of the data sheet in the teacher’s mailbox, and he/she puts the completed documentation forms in my mailbox. Easy.
I print the two forms front/back and make lots of copies each marking period. At the end of each week, you can look at the forms and then keep them in your student’s color coded IEP Binder.
To abide by confidentiality laws, I put a cover on top of each clipboard. It stays there at all times.
What about teacher buy in?
Let’s talk about teacher buy-in... because we all don’t need one more thing to add to our plate. Documentation is as simple as writing down the time, checking off accommodation boxes, adding notes on the back (if applicable), and signing your life away (okay not really your life, but the teacher or para signs each day as proof).
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