INPUT OUTPUT TABLES WORK BIN TASK CARDS | Students will practice finding unknown numbers using addition and subtraction with these input and output table task cards.
Students will follow an addition or subtraction rule given, find the addition or subtraction rule, and apply an addition or subtraction rule to complete an in and out table.
What is included?
• 92 task cards
• 48 answer pieces
What skills are practiced?
•Follow addition rules - 12 cards - match answer to input/output diagram following a given rule
•Follow subtraction rules - 12 cards - match answer to input/output diagram following a given rule
•Find addition rules - 12 cards - match answer to input/output diagram where in and out number is given
•Find subtraction rules - 12 cards - match answer to input/output diagram where in and out number is given
•Follow addition rule to fill in table - 22 cards, 11 each - fill in missing in and out numbers on an input/output table
•Follow subtraction rule to fill in table - 22 cards, 11 each - fill in missing in and out numbers on an input/output table
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